
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

Pak Mission Society recognizes the fundamental human right to clean drinking water. Many unreached communities remain deprived even in the 21st century. These marginalized communities also have zero knowledge about health, hygiene, and sanitation. The spread of water-borne diseases like cholera, dysentery, skin rashes, tuberculosis, and diarrhea is prevalent due to a lack of resources and knowledge. Raj Bai is one such beneficiary whose life turned around when PMS intervened in the region. She lives with her 8 family members in Basti Lakhano Rind, District Umerkot. Before the intervention, the available drinking water was scarce and not on par with the hygiene and drinking standards. They used to travel for 1 or 2 km to fill mud potsand store it in shallow mud pits. There was always a security threat lurking as the responsibility of getting water was women only. The mud pots would break. PMS intervened in the region and installed a hand pump. They now have access to a clean drinking water supply in the village. They no longer travel far but rather spend that time working as daily wagers. The health and hygiene conditions have improved along with financial situation.