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Strengthening the humanitarian aid architecture, amplifying the voices of local leadership, and building strategic partnership mechanisms to reach the unreached communities


To contribute to strengthening the humanitarian aid architecture, amplifying the voices of local leadership, and building strategic partnership mechanisms to reach the unreached communities following the triple nexus approach for functioning localisation and SDGs framework by 2030.


Localisation (or localising humanitarian response) is a process of recognizing, respecting, and strengthening the leadership by local authorities and the capacity of local civil society in humanitarian action, to better address the needs of affected populations and to prepare national actors for future humanitarian responses. Local/National NGOs (L/NNGOs) are often the first responders and are at the heart of the humanitarian response. They provide an invaluable understanding of local challenges and potential solutions, can mobilize local networks, and offer greater access to affected populations, hence contributing to a more effective, efficient, and sustainable humanitarian response with enhanced accountability to affected populations. They are also often adept at working across the humanitarian-development-peace nexus to support affected communities in preparedness, response, recovery and after international actors withdraw. Yet the international humanitarian system has made limited progress in increasing funding, capacity development, equitable and meaningful partnerships, and the participation of L/NNGOs in their coordination structures, which has remained relatively limited over the past years – particularly in terms of risk-sharing, leadership, and decision-making.

Pak Mission Society (PMS) is working as a catalytic organization to accelerate the localisation agenda in Pakistan, especially for women-led and youth-led L/NNGOs for transforming the power shift and realization of global commitments chalked under the Grand Bargain. PMS is also striving to play the role of facilitator for establishing strong collaboration and dialogue between INGOs and L/NNGOs at the country level by implementing different engagement approaches.


  • Diversification of Localisation
  • Faith-Based Leadership
  • Strategic Partnerships
  • Downstream Partnerships