“I got rejected from many places due to a lack of experience. This completely shattered my confidence. PMS internship programme came as a ray of light for me in the darkest hour.”
Sana Patras belongs to a family, although residing in Islamabad but hardly managing to their daily needs. Her father is a Pastor by profession and her mother has a menial job in the area. Despite their situation, Sana’s parents have managed to invest in her education at Quaid-e-Azam University enabling her to earn a bachelor’s degree. They wanted to enable her to pursue a professional career and support them in RAY OF LIGHT IN DARKNESS managing the house finances later on. Once her degree was completed, she was unable to find a suitable job anywhere. She, with many of her fellow colleagues, a vicious cycle of unemployment, lack of experience, and no employer trusting these newbies. After many months of constant struggle, she got selected in the Youth Development Internship Programme (YDIP) where she was groomed personally, professionally, and spiritually through an opportunity to work for the Saaf Mahol project. ”This internship opportunity boosted my confidence and provided me with the sameenvironment for learning business operations,” she now says confidently. Sana was later hired by the project as a social mobilizer.